

Hi, it’s coach Batman here, time to huddle up seven minutes, I need your focus and attention for seven minutes… Seven minutes. Let’s go!

This week’s focus is on the back. I went to my doctor the other day, I said, “Hey Doc, I’ve got a weak back”

He says: “How long you had it?”

I said: “I don’t know, about a week back”

(drum-roll sound)

Three parts this week. We are going to do the bind, we’re gonna go through belly breathing, whether you’re a singer, you might play an instrument, you might play a sport – belly breathing is what we’re going to cover. Ready? Everybody let’s go!

Part 1: MIND

With a belly breathe we’re gonna take our hands, put them right here and here, one right on the lower part of your belly and when you’re gonna kind of round your back flat a little bit, and when you breathe in you’re gonna poke your bottom belly out, you poke your bottom belly out.

Belly Breathing 4 count breath/ 10 reps / 3 times daily.

You poke your body belly in… BREATHE.

Go to your happy place, wherever it is, just think about good things. When you breathe in, poke that belly out.

I feel super relaxed, I don’t know about you guys, but Batman is feeling relaxed. Dr Batman feels good… Breathe.

If you’re thinking about a test or an assignment that is due and you’re scared and you’re worried, breathe through the belly. If you play an instrument or you’re a singer or you play a sport, this game, this powerful exercise is awesome!

10 Times, that’s all you gotta do. Down if you need to kids, lay on your back, tilt your pelvis flat like that. Make it flat. Take your hands here, deep breath in…. And out. Bring that belly out, belly in. Feel all that good oxygen going through your body.

Part 2: BODY

The second part of this is for our bodies! I see you all out there slouching looking like the letter C on your computers, texting. That’s no good. My team has to sit up tall.

Run around in front of the house, find a towel that’s about this big… GO! All right, all right, now you’re back. Take that towel and let’s roll it up. Roll it up, roll it up, roll it up, just like that, putting the small in your back, ooohh, look how much taller I feel.

Now the first exercise is called a sternal tilt. You’re going to take your breastbone or your chest bone right here and you’re going to take it and you’re going to bring it towards the sky, just like this. See how it brings your head back, now you’re not like this anymore… There you go. Take down this fingers and just point them towards the sky and then relax… and breathe, through that belly breathing I just taught you about.

Do this 10 times every couple of hours every time you’re sitting in those Zoom classes or if you’re gaming at the end of your day, playing Fortnite. Just work on getting tall, everybody likes to be taller.

Nobody likes to look like the letter C.

Batman down! Now that you’re all slouching you lose that curve in your lower back, this is your next exercise. It’s called a press up, it’s a cobra is what it’s called, that’s a snake and you’re gonna bend backwards. Keep those hips on the ground, this helps all you slouchers out there. All you slackers on my team, they’ll be like a sloucher. Then you gonna let your head fall back. This is an awesome exercise. Remember to breathe. 10 Times, every two hours. Feel those spines loose as a goose. Try to go a little further every time. You can also do this standing, I’m going to show you how.

I know some of you are way more limber than I am, Dr Batman’s old. Lean back. Don’t do this, nobody likes this. That’s horrible for your back and there’s no place for that on my team. Nobody likes a weak back.

Park 3: SPIRIT

The last part. This is the last part. How could that have been seven minutes? This part of the seven minute huddle is about good deeds. Good deeds are so great, they make your heart feel good, they make your body feel great, they just make you feel like, Ah!, I did something great here.

Here are your good deeds for the week:

One, let’s help our parents out, they’re under a lot of stress too you know. Empty the dishwasher, that’s your one good deed.

The second good deed might be tough for some of you guys, I know, I know, tell your brother or sister that you love them, AND, really, really mean it.

That’s your seven minute huddle for the week! See you next week! I can’t wait! WOW!
