Kenzi Sits Up Tall is a simple but powerful book that helps both kids and parents by providing routine and structure which is vital to success and happiness. Dr. Bhatt’s vision is to educate children and their families on proper mind, body and spirit practices. The 7-Minute Huddle that he teaches in this book is essential in order to create a program that is manageable and easy to perform.

The book readings are filled with life stories through Dr Bhatt’s personal journey which has now resulted in an illustrated children’s book currently trending as #1 on Amazon New Releases in the multiple children’s book categories. The information provided will be able to be implemented immediately and with results, guaranteed!

In Person Readings and support includes:

  • 300 copies distributed and 20 additional copies for teachers, classrooms and libraries

  • Social media video content for marketing use

  • Supporter recognition and book stamps

  • Live reading with author Dr. Bhatt

Dr. Michael Bhatt has over 30 years of clinical experience and has worked with athletes from the PGA, NBA, NFL & MLB. He is also on the University of Texas Sports Medicine staff. Dr. Bhatt has appeared on local, regional and National media outlets discussing important adolescent habits for a healthy lifestyle.

Dr Bhatt ‘s mission is to exercise the brains and bodies of our current and future workforce by teaching the value of good postural hygiene, breathing, and proper workspace habits and too share simple postural exercise protocols, pearls of wisdom, and knowledge formulated over his last 29 years of clinical practice.

Email us to schedule Dr. Bhatt for an interview, and share his bestselling new book, Kenzi Sits Up Tall with your audience.