

Hi Kids, Dr Batman here.

Listen, I am the brains of this operation. I’m the doctor part of Dr Batman. Now we’re going to show you the other Dr Batman who’s going to show you some really nice techniques on how to breathe, and we are also going to show you today a nice technique on how to stretch, because our spines are really important.

This guy right here normally has a nice curve here in the lower back than the upper back and then one here in the neck and when we slouch we get one curve and that doesn’t feel good. I want you to do this, so I want you to take your finger, I want you to pull it all the way back, that doesn’t feel good, does it? When you let go it feels better, that’s how your spine feels, that’s why these exercises are going to really help you sit up nice and tall. When you sit up tall your lungs can open up more and get more oxygen in and oxygen is a fun thing and you needed lots of it, you need lots and lots of oxygen.

Now we’re also going to show you the posture exercises you’re going to do these kneeling on the ground and when you do the breathing, you can sit up against the wall or flat on the ground and make sure you don’t round that lower back, make it nice and tall. All right, here we go!

Part 1: MIND

What’s up kids! It’s this week’s seven minute huddle. Our first part this week for the mind, we’re going to go through a fun breathing technique. It’s one of my favorites, it’s called “Lion’s breath”. (Roaaaarr). Are you ready? Here we go!

5 reps / 3 times a day

1 Point

You can sit your legs criss cross applesauce if you want, however it’s kind of hard on my knees, but we’re gonna give her a try. All right, so Lion’s breath, here’s a joke about Lion’s Breath, so what did the other lions in the tribe say to Simba when he was walking really, really slowly? Mufasa!

Oh my God, good one. All right here we go!

Lion breathing. Get in your inner lion, here we go. Sit your hands on your thighs, here about the middle of your thigh, all right? We’re gonna roll your shoulders rand and back, round and back, round and back. Sit up really tall. Take a deep breath in through your nose and as you exhale push your hands down your thigs. Exhale. Stick your tongue out in the sky and go Aaeeghhhh. Push down, push your hands forward, roll your shoulders back… Aaeeghhhh. That’s fun isn’t it? You get to stick your tongue out, look up into the sky and say Aaeeghhhh. I thought that’s exactly what like a lion sounds like. All right let’s do that, we’re done five times, we’re gonna practice it one more time. Hands on your thighs here, halfway up as you breathe, as you push your thumbs hands down your thighs, I want you to roll your shoulders back. Just take a deep breath in, poke your belly out. Lift your head in the sky, open up your eyes, stick out your tongue and go… Aaeeghhhh. Oh this looks so weird, but you know what? This opens you up in front of all your friends. If you want to, it’s fantastic even around your house practicing a little bit, get used to it. Great way to breathe Lion’s Breath, Aaeeghhhh. How much fun is that?

Park 2: BODY

All right, all right, here is your body exercise for the week. This is a great exercise, it’s called the cat and the camel stretch.

Cat & Camel Stretch:

5 reps / 3 times a day

1 point

All right, You’re gonna get on your hands and knees, remember we just did Lion’s Breath. We’re gonna use Lion’s breathing with this one, if you want to, how cool is that gonna be. All right so we’re gonna do the cat, we’re gonna lay our back sag when we come up a camel, there… Remember to breathe in through the nose after the mouth, so into your nose.

Oh that’s fun. Sinking into that cat. Breathe… and exhale. Aaaahhhh. How fun is that? Oh you know what, here’s some really fun camel trivia. Did you know a camel can hold 40 gallons of water, when it’s hungry and thirsty - 40 gallons! Wow! Think about a gallon of milk, 40 of those at one time.

Fun Fact: Camels can hold 40 gallons of water

All right. Those were awesome. I love to do that Lion’s Breath with it. Fun socks right? You gotta have fun socks. I know you didn’t see me here so wanna hear a good joke? It’s a good one. What happened when the lion ate the clown? He felt kind of funny.

Part 3: SPIRIT

Okay, now, here’s a good deed for the week or your dandy deed for the week.

Dandy deeds

1 Point per dandy deed

Make someone laugh. Tell them a joke about a cat, a camel or a clown. I think that’s gonna be great. Making him laugh makes everybody laugh at least once a day, because laughing is so much fun and it energizes. I think about me laughing, you have a good belly laugh, there’s nothing better than that.

All right that is your seven minute huddle for the week. I can’t wait till next week. See you then! I’ve been sweating, that’s a good thing I have my headband on! Those cat and camels got me tired.


