Interview with Michelle Taylor Willis

In a recent podcast, Michelle Taylor Willis spoke with Dr. Mike Bhatt about his new book, "Kenzi Sits Up Tall". The book tells the story of a young girl named Kenzi, who struggles with stress and back pain. Dr. Bhatt, who is practicing chiropractor, wrote the book to help children learn to be mindful and improve not only their posture but also their mental health.

The podcast began with Dr. Bhatt discussing the inspiration behind the book. He explained that he had noticed many children struggling with back pain, neck pain, headaches and anxiety issues and wanted to create a resource that would help them stay strong and healthy. He emphasized the importance of teaching children to love their bodies at a young age, as it can have a significant impact on their mental health and well-being.

As the conversation continued, Michelle Taylor Willis asked Dr. Bhatt about the process of writing and publishing the book. Dr. Bhatt explained that he had never written a children's book before and found the process challenging but rewarding. He worked closely with an illustrator to bring Kenzi's story to life and was thrilled with the final product.

The conversation then shifted to the themes and messages in the book. Dr. Bhatt emphasized that the book was not just about good posture but also about caring for your mind and spirit. With the 7 minute huddle he empowers children to focus on mind body and spirit!

The book is a valuable resource for parents, educators, and anyone who works with children. make sure that you tune in and listen to the very inspiring Dr Bhatt!


Kenzi sits Up Tall Synopsis